

Quartztopia, a place located near Herkimer County New York, is a land rich in Herkimer diamonds. These 500 million year old crystals are beautifully and naturally faceted quartz crystals, which are double terminated. They have 18 facets, 2 points, and are 7.5 on the hardness scale. They are unique only to this area of New York State.  Some contain black anthraxolite or beautiful rainbow-like birthmarks.   These rare beauties may even contain an air or water bubble.

Quartztopia Diamonds are considered to be power stones with unique healing properties.  The unique double-termination shape naturally produces high frequency energy and balancing qualities.  These “magical” crystals further possess the ability to receive and amplify the characteristics of other power stones like Amethyst, Garnets, Emeralds and Druze when worn together.

By wearing a piece of jewelry made with Quartztopia Diamonds, you will receive many amazing benefits; whether you enjoy a unique one-of-kind handmade piece of art or its potential for healing and spiritual enhancement.

How do these beauties form?

Herkimer Diamonds are considered special and unique because they were formed in “pockets”. Most quartz crystals grow attached to a matrix rock, forming only one end of the quartz crystal to a point. However, with the Herkimer Diamond forming inside pockets, free from the surrounding matrix stone, they grow points on both ends, commonly referred to as “double terminated”.

The formation of Herkimer Diamond’s started nearly 500 million years ago in pockets within the sedimentary rock called dolostone. This rock forms by layers of minerals and organic matter deposited under millions of years of pressure, during the period where this region was also at the bottom of the sea.(the Cambrian Age)

When the organic material (plants and sea life) would decompose under the rock, they released gases. This gas is what formed the “pockets”. The specs of anthraxolite often found within the crystals is evidence of this organic material.

These air pockets are the ones we see when we break apart the layers of the Dolostone. Over the course of the next 200-250 million years, The layers of the sedimentary rock increase and grow, thus increasing the pressure on the buried Dolostone. Inside each pocket existed various quartz and carbon elements along with other compounds under pressure.

It’s under this pressure of these layers, along with the ensuing heat, that these pockets began to transform themselves.

Over the next course of 300 million years, the glaciers that sat atop Herkimer County and surrounding areas began to melt, and washed away the layers of sedimentary rock, allowing the compounds and elements inside these pockets to cool down and crystallize.